
Showing posts from April, 2018


Walking on the edge. Dancing with the dead. With no fear they charge, Battle cries emerged. Drown in their own pool of blood. Heroes are down . Holes, from where the bullets pass through All just for you. Until no more bullets flying around. No more explosives tear the ground. No more screams pierce through the night, No more tears to be shed. i'm no poet, so feedbacks are really appreciated 


Tourism can bring many economic, environmental and social benefits, particularly in rural areas and developing countries, but mass tourism is also associated with negative effects. Tourism can only be sustainable if it is carefully managed so that potential negative effects on the host community and the environment are not permitted to outweigh the financial benefits. First thing first, the positive effect of tourism for the environment.  Tourism, particularly nature and ecotourism, helps promote conservation of wildlife and natural resources such as rain forests, as these are now regarded as tourism assets. It also helps generate funding for maintaining animal preserves and marine parks through entrance charges and guide fees. By creating alternative sources of employment, tourism reduces problems such as over-fishing and deforestation in developing nations. And for the negative effect of tourism for the environment is that t ourism poses a threat to a region’s na...